Sunday, 27 May 2012

Craft-Fayre at Afan Argoed

Had a lovely 2 days at the Craft-fayre at Afan Argoed did really well over 2 days and sold lots of scrap books.The weather was fab and really enjoyed I always do well there, stocks are down though so better get crafting. Met Emma there this is her stall she makes beautiful things so pop over to her blog and take a peek.


  1. Glad you did well at the craft fayre I have two coming up, one at the end of June and another in August, normally do well at these,have made new stuff, drop by and see.hugs.Louisa.

  2. It was so lovely to meet you at the weekend. Thank you for sharing my pic. I will do a blog post soon and will show pics of your lovely stall too. Hope you are still enjoying this gorgeous weather. Emma xxx

  3. Hi Lou, hope you do well at your craft- fayres, am popping over to your blog now.x

  4. It was so nice to meet you too Emma, you're work is beautiful and your stall looked so fab. i just love the banner, maybe we will meet again in another venue.x
