Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Me and Holly Grace

It was my Grandaughters birthday yesterday she was 3 , the time has gone so quick, cant believe it! Another bad hairday-hence the hat! lol! It's very difficult to do your hair when you have sciatica, cant bend over, pain if you stand , pain if you sit, shopping has been a nightmare but all the presents are done now , food shopping is done, orders for the shop all finished so I can chill now -until Christmas day everyones coming to me for dinner at the last count it was 12-but I would'nt have it any other way .


  1. What a doll she is. Sorry to hear about the sciatica. I've had it. No fun for sure. We bought something called a Nugabest bed. Does major stretch on the spine. Ought to look into it in your area and go try one. Here there are salons where you can go for treatments. Helped me enough that we bought on used. Putting you on my prayer list for improvement.
    Hugs, Coleen

  2. Thank you so much Coleen will value your prayers.x.
